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发布日期: 2023-04-21      信息来源:      点击数:

讲座题目:Regular orbits of finite primitive solvable groups


腾讯会议:166 835 196


主讲人简介:杨勇于2009年在University of Florida取得数学博士学位(导师:Alexandre Turull),现为Texas State University终身教授(博士生导师)。2016年在第十四届全国代数学会议上作大会邀请报告(45分钟)。主要研究成果是线性群的表示及其轨道结构的刻画以及轨道结构在有限群数量关系上的应用,部分成果取得了较大的国际影响。

摘要:The case when a linear group G acting primitively on the vector space V is of central importance in the theory of representations ofsolvable groups. In short, such groups have an invariant e that measures their complexity. Itis known thatif e > 118,G has a regular orbit. Iwas able to improve this result dramatically by classifying all the cases when the regular orbit exists, In some of my early papers,l gave a coarseclassification of the existence of regular orbits for primitive solvable linear groups and the results have been widely used by other people andmyself to study related problems of arithmetic properties of group invariants, A more detailed finalclassification has been completed in some ofmy recent work along with severalfurther applications.


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